TC 1-05
Equipment and Vehicles
C bag (duffel bag #2)
This bag will contain items not required for immediate use.
Note: Ensure you have a personal lock with two keys for each
duffel bag.
Section III Weapon
Weapon packing list
Cleaning kit
M16A2 Function Check Steps
Perform function check on an M16A2, ensuring that the rifle operates
properly with the selector switch in each position.
Step 1. Check an M16A2 with the selector lever in the "safe"
Pull the charging handle to the rear and release it.
Place the selector lever in the "safe" position.
Pull the trigger (the hammer should not fall).
Step 2. Check an M16A2 with the selector lever in the "semi"
Place the selector lever in the "semi" position.
Pull the trigger and hold it to the rear (the hammer
should fall).
10 May 2005