TC 1-05
Equipment and Vehicles
You must follow these vital procedures. Your life and the success
of the UMT RS mission depend upon the proper functioning of the
M-16. Failure to follow these procedures may result in repeated
ammunition feeding failures, which a damaged magazine could
cause. The magazine should be turned in to the unit armor for
Thoroughly clean all metal surfaces of the rifle with bore cleaning
compound. Special attention must be given to the following areas:
Chamber. Clean with a chamber brush. If the regular brush
is not available, use a caliber .30, .45, .50, or 7.62-
millimeter bore brush as a substitute.
Bolt carrier group. Clean the bolt carrier key with a 5.56-
mm bore brush (a worn one works best) and dry with a pipe
cleaner. The bolt locking lugs, the bolt carrier key
extractor, and the extractor must be free of carbon and dirt.
Magazine. Disassemble and wipe dirt from magazine tube,
spring, and follower.
Barrel. Clean from chamber to muzzle with a bore brush
and swabs.
Receiver. Use a swab or brush to clean interior surfaces.
10 May 2005