TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Restated Mission
The restated mission is a clear, concise statement of the specified and
implied tasks to be accomplished by the command and the goals to be
achieved. Based on the commander's mission analysis, the restated
mission includes only the tasks that are essential to the overall
success of the mission. Tasks that are routine or inherent
responsibilities of a commander are not included.
The restated mission becomes the basis of the commander and staff's
estimates and is paragraph 1 (situation) of those estimates, oral or
written. The restated mission is also paragraph 2 (mission) of the
command's operation plan or order.
Planning Guidance
The commander provides planning guidance to the staff, as required.
The commander may choose to issue initial planning guidance to the
staff when the restated mission is announced.
Section III Estimates
Staff members assist the commander in reaching a decision by
making estimates in their assigned areas of responsibility.
Staff estimates--
Provide an analysis of the factors (within the staff officer's
particular field of interest) that influence the accomplishment of
the command's mission.
Identify factors that affect formulation analysis and comparison
of feasible COAs.
Provide recommendations for the commander of feasible COAs.
10 May 2005