TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Staff estimate preparation process
An assumption is a supposition about the current or future
situation, assumed to be true. Assumptions are necessary only
when they bear directly on the planning or execution of the plan.
Analyze the mission.
The UMT participates with the rest of the staff in mission analysis
by identifying specified and implied RS tasks.
The UMT considers religious factors that may directly affect the
mission (see FM 101-5, appendix J).
Develop courses of action.
As the staff begins to develop COAs, the chaplain considers the
religious, moral, and ethical implications of each proposed COA
and how to provide RS. The chaplain also leads the UMT in
considering the impact of indigenous religions on the operation.
While the operations officer formulates the tactical possibilities,
the chaplain and other staff officers consider how to integrate their
functional areas into each COA.
Analyze and compare courses of action.
COA analysis consists of two parts: war gaming and COA
comparison. Through this process, the staff identifies the best
COA to recommend to the commander.
During the war gaming phase of the MDMP, chaplains must pay
particular attention to where the casualties are expected.
Make a recommendation.
After choosing the best COA, the staff briefs the commander.
The UMT uses the concepts of support developed during the RSE
process to prepare the RS annex or plan.
10 May 2005