TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
The UMT develops the RSE that becomes the basis for the RSP.
Development of the RSE ensures the careful and intentional planning
of RS. In the development of the RSE, the chaplain considers the--
Location and movement of the UMT during all phases of the
Logistical and communication support required for specific
Replacement and/or augmentation of UMT members in the
event UMT members become casualties or are unable to meet all
RS needs during especially intense fighting.
Religious, moral, and morale issues that affect the soldiers and
the unit.
Impact of indigenous religions on the military operation.
The preparation of the estimate follows a logical, continuous, and
methodical process to provide the appropriate RS for the
commander's selected COA.
In conjunction with other staff sections, the UMT prepares the RSE
using the staff estimate preparation process.
Staff estimate preparation process
Note. UMTs include the religious preference profile and facts
pertaining to the indigenous religions of the area of operations.
Gather facts and assumptions.
Facts are statements of known data concerning the situation and
include the following:
Enemy and friendly dispositions.
Available troops.
Unit strengths.
Materiel readiness.
Mission and the commander's intent.
10 May 2005