TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Chapter 4
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Section I Military Decisionmaking Process
The commander and staff use the military decisionmaking process
(MDMP) to reach and execute tactical decisions. The UMT
participates in this collaborative planning process with other staff
sections. RS planning is continuous, detailed, and systematic,
examining all factors relating to the operation. Some actions occur in
sequence; others take place concurrently. Time available, urgency of
the situation, and the judgment of the commander affect the MDMP,
which is outlined in figure 4-1.
When time does not allow formal procedure, the commander must
take the necessary action to ensure timely decisions. The commander
may have to proceed through the decisionmaking process and issue
oral orders based on knowledge of the situation, without taking the
time required to formally include the staff in the process.
The chaplain and chaplain assistant must decide what action to take
and recognize when a decision of the commander is necessary.
10 May 2005