TC 1-05
Command and Staff
formats. They can write clear and concise orders, plans, staff studies,
staff summaries, and reports (see FM 5-0).
Efficient staff officers use current computer technology. This
includes being able to produce visual briefing aids--such as, charts,
graphs, slides, and multimedia products. They are proficient in using
computer technology--such as, word processing, electronic mail, and
other available resources--to manage time and to solve problems.
Staff officers frequently prepare briefings and written documents for
the commander or higher staff officers. They prepare these products
as if they are going to sign or brief them personally.
Section V Military Channels
Command channels are official links between headquarters for
communication from commander to commander. All orders and
official instructions are transmitted from higher level to lower level
commanders via these channels. Staff officers use command channels
when acting "for the commander." By using command channels,
official plans and orders affecting the religious program (such as
RSP) are also transmitted.
Staff channels are used for coordination and for passing information
between members of the staff. Staff channels are also used for
staff-to-staff links between headquarters for the coordination and
transmission of information.
10 May 2005