TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Staff officers possess mental discipline and self-confidence. They
understand that all staff work serves the commander, even if the
commander rejects the resulting recommendation. Staff officers do
not give a "half effort" when they think the commander will disagree
with their recommendations. Effective staff work helps commanders
make the best possible decisions.
Staff officers develop multiple sides of an issue. They do not bias the
evaluation criteria in favor of any COA. Staff officers give the
commander an unbiased look at a problem and recommend the best
possible solution.
Staff officers understand that a five-minute answer for the
commander may require ten hours of staff work. Spending that much
time appears to be worth the return. In-depth research by staff
officers relieves commanders of that task, allowing them to focus on
the overall operation. Furthermore, the knowledge staff officers
develop for the commander is a form of professional development. It
gives them experience needed to base future decisions as staff
officers and commanders. During a crisis, knowledge of what works
provides the basis for self-confidence that underlies subordinates'
Staff officers are loyal to the commander and the soldiers of the
command. This means staff officers tell the commander what they
believe, not what the commander wants to hear. Staff officers require
moral courage. They must be willing to tell the commander good and
bad news. Staff work eventually affects soldiers who must execute
10 May 2005