TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Section IV Characteristics of Staff Officers
FM 22-100 discusses the values, attributes, skills, and actions
expected of all leaders. As Army leaders and personal staff officers,
chaplains are expected to possess and develop leader characteristics
and skills; however, staff work requires specialized applications. A
good chaplain leads an UMT that demonstrates the following:
Team player.
Effective manager.
Effective communicator.
Effective staff officers are competent in all aspects of their functional
responsibilities and know their duties. They are familiar enough with
the duties of other staff members to accomplish vertical and lateral
coordination. Commanders expect staff officers to analyze each
problem and know--not guess--the correct answer before making a
recommendation. Staff officers must possess the moral courage to
admit when they do not know something.
Staff officers exercise subordinates' initiative. They anticipate
requirements rather than wait for taskings. They do not wait for
orders. They anticipate what the commander needs to accomplish the
10 May 2005