TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Informs the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, other
primary staff officers, and subordinate unit COSs about new
missions, instructions, and developments.
Directs and supervises staff planning.
Ensures the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders
and staffs.
Integrates risk management across the staff throughout the
operations process.
Maintains knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions
the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and
subordinate units and verifies their execution.
The S1/G1 is the principal staff officer for matters concerning human
resources and is responsible for the following:
Prepares administrative plans, orders, and estimates.
Maintains unit strength manpower.
Develops replacement policies and requirements.
Provides soldier support services.
Ensures the safety of personnel and prevents accidents.
Ensures that discipline, law, and order are maintained within the
Manages headquarters administration.
Provides administrative support for other personnel (for
example, enemy prisoners of war, augmentees, and others).
10 May 2005