TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Inspector general (IG).
Public affairs officer (PAO).
Staff judge advocate (SJA).
Chaplain. The chaplain is the personal staff officer responsible for
RS operations. The chaplain advises the commander on matters of
religion, morals, and morale, as affected by religion, and on the
impact of indigenous religions on military operations. The chaplain
works under the immediate control of the commander and has direct
access to the commander. No officer exercises coordinating staff
responsibility over the chaplain. The chaplain's responsibilities
Advising the commander on the issues of religion, morals, and
morale as affected by religion, including the religious needs of
all assigned personnel.
Providing the commander with pastoral care, personal
Developing and implementing the commander's RS program.
Exercising staff supervision and technical control over RS
throughout the command.
Providing moral and spiritual leadership to the command and the
Coordinating RS with UMTs of higher and adjacent
headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces.
Translating operational plans into battlefield ministry priorities
for RS.
Helping the commander ensure that all soldiers have the
opportunity to exercise their religion.
10 May 2005