TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Advising the commander and staff of the impact faith and
practices of indigenous religious groups have in an AO (with the
G5 [S5]).
Performing or providing religious rites, sacraments, ordinances,
services, and pastoral care and counseling to nurture the living,
care for the dying, and honor the dead.
Providing RS to the command and community, including
confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees,
and refugees.
Providing liaison to indigenous religious leaders (with the G5
Training, equipping, and supporting subordinate chaplains and
chaplain assistants.
Staff Authority
Staff responsibility assignment does not confer command authority
over other staff officers or over any other elements of the command.
Battalion or higher-level commanders delegate authority to the
chaplain to take final action on RS matters within command policy.
The authority delegated to the chaplain varies with the level and
mission of the command and the immediacy of operations for the
command. The commander retains overall responsibility.
The chaplain is responsible for the manner in which delegated
authority is exercised and for the results obtained. When chaplains
exercise staff authority on behalf of the commander, they must ensure
that all authority is exercised in a professional manner consistent with
the Army and Chaplain Corps Values. The chaplain is also
responsible for any authority temporarily assumed while acting in the
commander's name in response to an emergency situation. However,
10 May 2005