TC 1-05
Command and Staff
the chaplain does not command. Rather, the chaplain exercises
delegated authority through supervision.
Section III Responsibilities and Duties of Battalion,
Brigade, and Division Staff Officers
The principal staff officers at battalion and brigade are the S1
(personnel and adjutant), S2 (intelligence), S3 (plans and operations)
and S4 (logistics). Their counterparts at division are the G1, G2, G3
and G4, respectively. A G5 (civil-military operations officer) is found
at division level. Current tables of organization and equipment (TOE)
do not authorize an S5 at battalion and brigade level.
When an S5 is not provided, the S3 performs this function. However,
an S5 may be authorized this function at battalion and brigade levels
by modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) or by local
command action for units engaged in internal defense and
development (IDAD) or foreign internal defense (FID) operations.
At battalion and brigade levels, an XO is second in-line-of-command
to the commander and directly supervises the staff. At division, a
COS fulfills overall supervision of the principal staff.
10 May 2005