TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Receives units, detachments, or teams and orients, trains, and
reorganizes them.
Processes The Army Authorization Documents System
(TAADS) reports and submits modified or recommended
changes to TOEs.
Identifies training requirements based on the combat and
garrison missions and trains status of the unit.
Ensures that training requirements for combat are oriented on
conditions and standards of combat, not administrative
Prepares and carries out training programs, directives, and
orders; plans and conducts field exercises.
Determines the requirements for, and allocation of, training aids
and facilities, including ammunition for training.
Organizes and conducts schools.
Plans and conducts training inspections and tests.
Compiles training records and reports.
Maintains the unit readiness status on each unit in the command.
Plans the training budget and monitors the use of training funds.
UMTs should be aware that S3/G3 training funds are available
for their use to conduct and participate in various training
Supervises psychological operations (PSYOP).
Identifies the command's operational security (OPSEC) and
OPSEC support needs.
10 May 2005