TC 1-05
Command and Staff
The following are major staff responsibilities. See FM 6-0 for
additional details.
Executive Officer (XO)
Supervises all tasks assigned to the staff.
Directs the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers.
Integrates and synchronizes plans and orders.
Supervises management of the CCIR.
Establishes, manages, and enforces the staff planning timeline
(per the commander's guidance).
Supervises the targeting and other cross-forward line of own
troops (FLOT) planning cells.
Determines liaison requirements, establishes liaison information
exchange requirements, and receives liaison teams.
Directly supervises the main command post (CP) and
headquarters cell, including displacement, protection, security,
Monitors the staff's discipline, morale, and operational
Conducts staff training.
Ensures staff work conforms to the mission, commander's
guidance, and time available.
Ensures the staff integrates and coordinates its activities
internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported,
and adjacent commands.
Ensures all staff sections participate in, and provide functional
expertise to, intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB),
managed by the G2 (S2) in coordination with the G3 (S3).
10 May 2005