TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Technical channels are links between two commands for transmission
of technical instructions. Commanders and staff officers use these
channels when given the authority, due to the technical nature of their
among UMTs at all levels, including chaplains and RS personnel
from other units and services. These channels are used to send reports
and instructions, seek advice, coordinate RS, meet denominational
requirements, and share professional data. Technical channels are not
used to convey orders or communicate policy.
Section VI Command Posts
A command post (CP) is established to assist the commander in
providing for acquisition, consolidation, and coordination of the
critical information necessary to control the operation. This
integration of staff functions assists the commander in synchronizing
combat power and enhances the ability to respond rapidly to changes
in the tactical situation. At brigade and battalion levels, command
posts are normally organized into tactical, main, and alternate
command posts.
Tactical Post
At battalion level, the tactical posts usually referred to as the
command group or "jump" tactical operations center (TOC). The
tactical assault center (TAC) is the forward echelon of the
headquarters. It is normally located forward on the battlefield so the
commander can directly influence the battle.
10 May 2005