TC 1-05
Operations and Tactics
implements the three major religious service functions: nurture the
living, care for the dying, and honor the dead. The UMT's plan
considers the phases of the operation and is proactive in providing
RS. The priority of RS depends on the phase of the operation. How
and where can the UMT best provide RS prior to engagement, during
engagement, and after the engagement?
Planning Religious Support in Joint Operations
As in the Army planning process, the UMT is included in the system
of joint planning (FM 1-05, paragraph 3-23). JP 1-05 refers to the
Religious Support Team (RST), and the RST is composed of a
chaplain and chaplain assistants. The RST is intricately involved with
the orders process at each echelon. In planning RS operations, RSTs
must consider--
Denominational assets.
Command relationships.
Location of RSTs.
Logistical requirements.
Planning Religious Support in Multinational Operations
RS planning with multinational forces in an operation must include
differences in RS doctrine (or military custom of providing RS),
capabilities, force structure, logistics, and culture (denominational
representation, language, and supervision [FM 1-05, paragraph
3-24]). Communication, cooperation, and coordination are essential
in planning multinational RS operations. The senior RST needs to
understand the capabilities and limitations of RS with each country
represented within the coalition. Planning must remain flexible due to
these differences while emphasizing similarities like common
language between countries, denominational backgrounds of
10 May 2005