TC 1-05
Operations and Tactics
Chapter 5
Operations and Tactics
Section I Battlefield Visualization
Army forces execute full spectrum operations in environments that
contain complex operational considerations. All operations include
challenges. These complex operational considerations require special
attention by commanders and staffs:
Nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environments and
weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Local populace and displaced persons.
Unconventional threats.
Urban operations.
Battlefield organization is the allocation of forces in the AO by
purpose. It consists of three all-encompassing categories of
operations: decisive, shaping, and sustaining.
Decisive operations directly accomplish the task assigned by
higher headquarters. Decisive operations conclusively determine
the outcome of major operations, battles, and engagements.
Shaping operations create and preserve conditions for the
success of the decisive operation at any echelon.
Sustaining operations enable shaping and decisive operations by
providing combat service support, rear area and base security,
movement control, terrain management, and infrastructure
development at any echelon.
10 May 2005