TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Religious Support Plan
The staff officer with responsibility for the activity or services
covered in the annex/appendix prepares the document. The chaplain
and the chaplain assistant prepare the RSP for each tactical operation,
based on the chaplain section SOPs to be incorporated into the
Annexes may be issued simultaneously with the order or distributed
separately. Annexes include the following:
Details that amplify the basic order (such as operation overlay
Combat support instructions (such as fire support and engineer).
Administrative details (such as service support overlay, traffic
circulation, and control instruction).
Information or instructions on related operations (such as civil
affairs, area damage control, psychological operations, rear area
Other information or directions required to amplify the order.
Section VI Standing Operating Procedures
SOPs establish a standard for job performance within a unit. An SOP
informs people of what is to be done, how it will be done, and who
will do it. UMTs need to prepare SOPs. SOPs define a standard way
to do a task, prevent repeated questions about how to do a specific
job, set up procedures for a new task or organization, or change a
current SOP required to improve job performance.
10 May 2005