TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
SOPs must accomplish the following:
Include the title, number, scope, and definition of terms,
responsibilities, procedures, and references. (Use appendixes for
detailed information.)
Agree with all current governing publications and directives.
Present clear, concise descriptions of procedures and
responsibilities so anyone who has to perform tasks can easily
understand them.
Be grammatically correct and contain correct punctuation,
spelling, capitalization, and word usage.
To develop an SOP--
Read current regulations having a direct bearing on the tasks.
Examine flow process charts, work distribution charts, and
physical layout charts, if applicable.
Ask personnel involved in the activity what procedures they
currently use to perform tasks. (Take notes as necessary.)
Compare procedures with regulatory guidance. (Note variations
and discrepancies.)
Determine the best available or most efficient procedure that
conforms to current directives.
Include the following elements in the SOP draft:
Title. The subject matter covered by the SOP.
SOP number and date. Number all SOPs in sequence. If
there are ten previous SOPs established for your office, the
next one is number eleven.
Paragraph 1. Purpose: State what activity or procedure the
SOP establishes.
Paragraph 2. Scope: Tell to whom the SOP applies.
10 May 2005