TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Table 4-2. OCOKA guide
Key terrain
Key terrain is any locality or area
whose seizure or retention affords a
marked advantage to either
combatant. The leader considers key
terrain in the selection of objectives,
support positions, and routes in the
offense and on the position of the unit
in the defense.
Avenues of
An avenue of approach is an air or
ground route of an attacking force
leading to its objective or key terrain in
its path. In offense, the leader
identifies the avenue of approach that
affords the greatest protection and
places the unit at the enemy's most
vulnerable spot. In defense, the leader
positions key weapons along the
avenue of approach most likely to be
used by the enemy.
Plans provide the coordinated actions required to carry out the
decision of the commander to conduct a future anticipated tactical
operation. Plans can be written or presented orally and are kept
current with the changing combat situation.
10 May 2005