TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
instructions without loss of clarity. Fragmentary orders are
normally issued after an OPORD. The FRAGO changes or
modifies the OPORD. A FRAGO has no prescribed format.
Administrative/logistics order. An administrative/logistics order
(ADMIN/LOGO) stipulates coordinated combat service support
for the command.
Section V Annexes and Appendixes of Orders
Annexes provide details not readily incorporated into the basic order
and keep the basic text short. They should increase the usefulness of
the basic order by providing combat support, combat service support,
and administrative details and instructions that amplify the basic
An annex/appendix can be a written text, a matrix, a trace, an
overlay, an overprinted map, a sketch, a plan, a graph, or a table.
Annexes are components to an order but not required, if deemed
unnecessary. They are sequenced alphabetically in capital letters and
have one or more appendixes numbered in Arabic numerals.
Note: Annexes are referenced in the body of the OPORD and are
listed under the heading "Annexes" at the bottom of the order.
Appendixes contain information necessary to expand an annex.
Follow the five-paragraph filed order format to prepare these
documents. A sample RS appendix is provided in the RS planning
10 May 2005