TC 1-05
Decisionmaking, Plans, and Orders
Paragraph 3. Definitions: Explain words, terms, and
acronyms pertaining to the SOP.
Paragraph 4. Responsibilities: State the major functions or
responsibilities of persons involved in the procedure.
Paragraph 5. Procedures: Provide detailed instructions on
how to perform the activity or procedure. When writing this
section, make the description concise.
♦ Use concrete words that clearly state the actions required
by the task.
♦ Use short, concise sentences. Do not copy material from
resources that are difficult to read. Completely rewrite the
previous SOP, if necessary.
Paragraph 6. Files: List procedures established by the office
for maintaining files.
Paragraph 7. References: List any publication that governs
or guides the procedure.
Signature block and signature. Establishes the SOP as your
official policy.
Appendixes. If applicable, include this section in the SOP.
Appendixes contain frequently referenced charts, decision
matrixes, or regulations that apply to the procedure.
Double-check to ensure the procedures in your draft SOP
conform to regulatory guidance. If required (or desired),
distribute the draft SOP to unit members for comments. Modify
it as necessary in response to the comments received.
Type, sign, and distribute the SOP to all people affected by it.
Establish a file for your duty section to use the SOPs.
10 May 2005