TC 1-05
Operations and Tactics
The UMT must understand the environment and maintain situational
awareness. The UMT must take reasonable risks to accomplish the
mission. The purpose for tracking the battle is to monitor the fight
enabling timely responses to emerging battlespace conditions
requiring RS. Battle tracking also includes awareness of the status of
UMT resources, equipment, and personnel.
Section II Joint, Interagency, and Multinational
Army units deploy with other military services and agencies of the
U.S. government. Increasingly, the U.S. Army operates with other
countries as well. Army forces normally deploy as part of a joint,
interagency, and multinational (JIM) operation. UMT members must
possess the requisite joint, expeditionary and coalition mindset
required to successfully conduct RS in the JIM environment. These
operations are collectively called unified actions. This is true not only
when the military effort is the prime strategic option, but also when
other strategic options (diplomatic, informational, and economic) are
In joint operations, two or more American military departments are
employed. Joint doctrine is published under the authority of the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. JP 1-05 provides doctrinal
guidance for RS in joint operations. Joint publications take
precedence over doctrine of the participating Services (FM 1-05,
paragraphs 2-26 and 2-27).
Army doctrine speaks of four kinds of operations: offense, defense,
stability, and support operations. During each operation, the UMT
implements its RSP. With agile and adaptive thinking, the chaplain
10 May 2005